Unsworth's Funeral Service
Call us on: 01942 525980
email: unsworthsfs@hotmail.co.uk
A death of a loved one can be quite overwhelming and you may not know what to do next. Our guide below will help with the next steps.
If the death has occurred at home: You will need to contact the deceased's doctor that a death has occurred. Once he has verified the death he will issue the medical certificate.
If the death has occurred at a nursing home: A qualified member of staff or doctor will verify the death. The medical certificate will then be issued by the doctor and a member of staff at the nursing home will let you know where this can be collected from.
If the death has occurred in hospital: The nursing staff will verify the death and the doctor in charge will issue the medical certificate. The hospital will then contact you to arrange for you to collect the certificate.
Registering a death must be done at a register office in the area the death occurred and is usually required to be done within 5 days of the death.
Who can register a death:
Registration Requirements:
Documents Required: